How does immune system develop in babies?
When a baby is born, there is a birth of two more individuals - mother and father. The new parents try to adapt and adjust to every possible change in life with the arrival of their tiny tot. The initial few days are difficult as they try to figure out the reasons for their crying baby and learn about few common problems like colic, immunity, constipation, diarrhea, gut health, etc.
Although babies are born with immature immune system, but they still have some protection due to innate immunity (inbuilt immunity babies are born with) to start with. Antibodies and few beneficial bacteria are also passed to babies during and after birth from their mother which pay the path for healthy living.
After birth, the immunity shot comes in the form of colostrum (yellowish sticky mother’s milk produced immediately after birth) and followed by mature breast milk which is rich in carbohydrates, fats, prebiotics (oligosaccharides), proteins, vitamins, minerals, beneficial bacteria, antibodies etc. Of these components prebiotics promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, reduces harmful bacteria and promotes the activity of immune cells in the gut to fight against infection.
The passive immunity that the babies get from mother decreases slowly. When babies get exposed to various bacteria via skin to skin contact, environment etc post-delivery, babies start developing their own antibodies over a period, to fight against infections hence building the immunity.
All these together helps to build your babies overall immune system. Research suggest, prebiotics such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) & fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) have also shown effects on strengthening immunity.
Overall helping the new parents bring up a happy, giggling, strong and healthy baby.