Danone on World Allergy Week
We, at Danone are committed to continue delivering high-quality, safe nutrition and scientific research in the field of Allergy.
- What is Food Allergy?
- Symptoms of Food Allergy
- Foods that causes Allergy
- Food Allergy Diagnosis
- FAQs
F00d allergy OR f00d intolerance?
Food allergies and food intolerances are two totally different reactions in the body.
A Food Allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a certain protein in our food, such as Cow’s milk protein or Soya protein.
It occurs because the immune system believes that allergenic food is harmful, so it mounts an attack which leads to allergic symptoms like swelling, wheezing, itching, bloating or diarrhoea. This reaction is reproducible, which means that it happens every time when certain foods are consumed.
When talking about Food Intolerance, it means any kind of negative reaction to a certain food or food additive that our body is unable to deal with.
There can be lot of reasons for this, such as monosodium glutamate, histamine, enzyme deficiencies or an irritable bowel. Food intolerance, as opposed to food allergy, does not involve the immune system.

Reactions to food intolerances vary from one person to the next and heavily depend on the amount of food eaten, on how it was prepared and the individual condition of the affected person.
Symptoms of F00D Allergy
Food allergy symptoms are most common in babies and children, but they can appear at any age. You can even develop an allergy to foods you have eaten for years with no problems.

The incidence of food allergyis commonly estimated to be greater in children(5-8%)than in adults (1-2%)
More than170foodshave been
reported to cause Allergic Reactions
Globally200-250million people
may suffer
from foodallergy

is one of the
most common foodallergy in Infants
Here is the symptoms checklist for your Baby. Check out Now
F00ds that Causes Allergy

How can you find out whether your child is food allergic?And what will your child’s doctor do to reach a proper diagnosis?

What will
happen at
the doctor’s Clinic
Diagnosing Food Allergy will take your child’s doctor a bit more than just doing a single test. Your child’s symptoms, medical history and assessment as well as any test results will be considered when deciding if your child has a food allergy.
best prepare yourself
for the visit
When it comes to diagnosing allergies, the child’s medical history may be as important as any diagnostic test results. Information about your medical family history as well as the medical history of your child should be prepared before visiting the doctor.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to prepare questions you might like to ask your doctor, such as:
Could my child’s symptoms be caused by food allergy?
Is it possible to confirm my child’s food allergy? Which tests will have to be performed?
Do I need to see a specialist?
What will be the next steps?
- If there is a family history of allergies?
- If your baby is breast or formula fed?
- How often your baby feeds and how much they feed?
- How much is their weight progressing?
- What kind of symptoms are they showing?
Which diagnostic tests your doctor would perform
Your child’s doctor should use all of the information mentioned above to decide whether allergy tests are called for. Allergy testing can involve skin or blood tests as well as diagnostic diets. Which type of test your doctor considers to be suitable depends on the type of allergy suspected.

All these tests have to be performed under medical supervision by a formally-trained allergist doctor or allergist.
Tool Kit
If you have found one or more symptoms to match those suffering by your child, the questions listed below will help you to find out if a food allergy could be the cause of the trouble. Answering these questions will bring you closer to determining if and how your child is affected but please don’t fail to discuss the test results with your child’s doctor.