
Causes of Colic in Babies and the Right Way to Deal with It

The cause of colic in babies is digestive disorders such as bloating. However, did you know that cow’s milk allergy can
also cause colic in babies?

Colic is a condition where a baby cries continuously for hours and is very difficult to calm down. What causes colic in
babies, its characteristics, and how to treat it? Find out here, let’s go!

One of the good theories about colic states that the cause of colic in babies is their digestive system which is still
sensitive and vulnerable. In fact, colic comes from the Greek, Kolikos meaning large intestine. This is the most likely
to be accepted, because the enzymes and digestive fluids needed by babies to process the food that enters their bodies
are still not perfect, so there is a lot of gas in the little one’s intestines.

Causes of Colic in Babies

The exact cause of colic is not widely known. However, there are several things that are thought to trigger colic in
babies. What are they?

1. Bloating

Colic in babies can be triggered by gas that builds up in the stomach. Usually, this happens because the little one
cries loudly or feeds in a hurry so that he swallows too much air.

Bloating in babies can also occur if your little one is not burped after finishing drinking breast milk.

2. Cow’s Milk Allergy

Based on the IDAI report, allergies to proteins in cow’s milk can cause colic in babies.

When a baby with a cow’s milk allergy consumes milk (either directly or through breast milk if the mother consumes dairy
products), the body will release chemicals such as histamine in response.

This reaction can cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Then, symptoms such as bloating and flatulence appear which
make the baby fussy and cry continuously like colic.

3. Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which your little one’s digestive system cannot digest the sugar found in milk

This can be caused by the digestive system not yet fully developing, the lactose enzyme levels not being optimal, or
your little one drinking too much milk.

If the cause of colic in babies is lactose intolerance, crying is usually accompanied by watery, sour-smelling stools,
reddish anus skin, a slightly bloated stomach, and rumbling sounds from the stomach.

4. Gastroesophageal Reflux

The valve between the baby’s esophagus and stomach is not yet perfect. Therefore, breast milk that has entered the
stomach can easily rise to the mouth and spit up occurs.

If a baby frequently spits up , his esophagus will be exposed to stomach acid more often. This causes irritation and
pain in the esophagus.

A little one who feels pain and discomfort will end up crying continuously and is very difficult to calm down, aka

5. There are digestive disorders

Less than 10% of the causes of colic in babies are due to digestive problems, such as constipation, viral infections, or
bacterial infections.

If your baby has colic too often accompanied by certain digestive symptoms, you should immediately take him to the
doctor. Mothers can also monitor their little one’s digestive condition through the AI Poop Tracker tool on AptaClub

6. Uncomfortable Environment

Colicky babies are sensitive to their surroundings. For example, being dazzled by bright lights, feeling noisy hearing
loud sounds, and various other new things.

Because, now he is in a new environment which is different from the environment in his mother’s womb.

Being in an uncomfortable environment such as a room that is too cold or too hot can also trigger this condition.

7. Psychological Factors

Your little one can sense your emotions and moods. So when you feel stressed, your little one often becomes cranky and
difficult to calm down.

So, it is better for you to try to calm yourself down first. Put your baby in his crib and then step away for a while to
calm down for 10-15 minutes.

Meanwhile, Mom can ask Dad or other family members to take turns watching the baby. When he is a bit calmer, let’s hug
the little one to make him more comfortable.

Characteristics of Colic in Babies

The following are the characteristics of colic in babies that mothers need to know so they can differentiate colicky
cries from other cries:

  • Crying lasts more than 3 hours in one day, for 3 days in 1 week.
  • Crying occurs more often at night before bedtime.
  • Crying is very difficult to calm down.
  • Hands clasped tightly while crying.
  • His face looked red and his expression looked pained
  • .

  • The legs and arms are raised looking stiff, with the back arched.
  • The baby’s stomach sounds “rumbling” or is very bloated.
  • The abdomen looks tense, hard, and swollen.
  • Baby often farts.

How to Treat Colic in Babies

Although it is not dangerous, it is important to find out what actions can reduce the severity of baby colic. Here are
some ways to deal with colic that you can try:

  • Make sure your little one’s diaper is dry.
  • Correct breastfeeding position (attachment).
  • Burp the baby before switching breasts and after feeding.
  • Massage the baby gently.
  • Bathe your little one with warm water.
  • Try temporarily stopping consuming caffeine and dairy products.
  • Try singing your little one’s favorite song.
  • Invite your little one to talk in a calm tone.
  • Take your little one for a walk with a stroller .
  • Place your little one on your mother’s lap and gently pat her back.
  • For babies under 2 months, swaddle your little one loosely to reduce stimulation.
  • Dim the room lights.

If colic worries you or is accompanied by fever, the baby seems less active, does not want to breastfeed, has diarrhea, vomiting, and experiences weight loss, you should contact a doctor immediately.

However, it is important to remember that the causes of colic in babies are basically not dangerous and colic will gradually disappear on its own when your little one reaches 4 months of age.

Hopefully your little one won’t be fussy anymore!