Your Toddler Stage by Stage

While time passes and your baby grows soon, the experience of watching your baby grow each day is one that should be cherished. Here’s a brief guide on the growth of your baby stage by stage along with things you must bear in mind to ensure their healthy development.

six month

First 6 months (0-6 months)

  1. Be careful of her head as her body is delicate and she is still growing. It will flop if you don’t support her
  2. She will learn to stretch her hands and legs now
  3. She is going to start recognizing voices
  4. She will open her fists now and will try to use her hands
  5. She can roll on both sides
  6. She will respond to high contrast objects and loud noises
  7. By 3-4 months, she will cut her first tooth
  8. She will stare at things away from her, but may not be able to reach it yet
  9. She will try holding her head steady and will hold hands together
  10. Will observe and try to register new objects
  11. She can grab her toes and feet

6-12 months

  1. She can sit by herself. She can also stand with support
  2. She will try to walk using support
  3. She will learn to poke and to point by now
  4. Will pull, tear and play with toys in different ways
  5. She can hold her bottle. In fact, she will try to feed herself with the spoon, but may not be very successful at it
  6. She can find objects that you try to hide from her
  7. Looks at pictures in books
  8. She will now enjoy toys with lights and music
twelve to eighteen

12-18 months

  1. Between 12-15 months, your toddler may be able to stand up without any support.
  2. Some children start walking by 15 months and some may take 18 months to start walking.
  3. She is now good at recognizing people and will point to people she knows.
  4. By 18 months, children have a lot of control on their hands and feet movements. She may start attempting to use a spoon or drink from a cup on their own.
  5. She is also growing emotionally now. She will feel sad if someone around her is crying. She is now aware of her emotions and may also throw tantrums.
  6. She may also get embarrassed if she is asked to do things she is not comfortable with.
  7. She may fear being away from her loved ones
  8. Your baby will now start saying words in between her normal babbles and grunts.
  9. She will follow your instructions and gestures easily.
  10. She now knows her name and will respond if she is called
  11. She will understand mirror reflection
  12. She will hug you and smile at you n
eighteen to twentyfour

18-24 months

  1. Most toddlers are walking by now and some can also run around.
  2. By the time she is 2 years, you will know which hand is the dominant one for her
  3. She will help in taking off simple things like her socks and will be cooperative when you dress her.
  4. You can now start training her on toilet habits. By the time she is 2yrs. old, she will learn it.
  5. At this age, your child starts to feel more emotions like happiness, anger, excitement, etc.
  6. She may throw tantrums by screaming, crying, shouting or running away from you.
  7. Your toddler should eat well and sleep at least for 13 hours in a day.
  8. Your toddler will probably start being able to:
    • Find hidden things
    • Sort shapes and colors
    • Complete familiar rhymes and parts of songs
    • Name items in books
    • By the time she is 2, she will at last know 50 words and will learn to communicate

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