Did the result of your home pregnancy test turn out to be positive? Congratulations! Now your first step would be to contact your doctor for the first prenatal check-up. Your obstetrician visit should ideally happen anytime between 8 to 12 weeks of your pregnancy. This will be longer than any other medical check-up as she needs to probe into your medical history and conduct routine tests. This information helps to prepare the schedule of your visits and to discuss various possibilities during your pregnancy.

What happens during the first prenatal visit?
Your obstetrician will ask you a series of questions regarding your personal as well as your family’s medical history. She will also need your partner’s health records. This helps to find out if there are chances of any genetic abnormalities and hereditary diseases. She will also ask details of your last menstrual period and previous pregnancy (if applicable) to determine an approximate due date. You need to get hold of all these details. Make sure you carry all your possible medical records for this check-up. Also,find out about what medical conditions run in your and your partner’s family.
Her next step would be to conduct routine tests in order to confirm your pregnancy and to find out your possible date of delivery.

What are the tests that your doctor will ask you to undergo?
Firstly, she will conduct a general health examination to check your vitals like your heartbeat and blood pressure level. Then she will further ask you to undergo a series of medical tests. These tests include:
1. Breast and cervical exam
2. Blood tests:Your blood sample is collected to find out the blood type, Rh status and haemoglobin levels.
3. Ultrasound: An ultrasound will help to monitor the development of your foetus or to find out the reason behind your bleeding or cramping, if any.
4. Pap Smear: It is a commonly conducted medical procedure to see if there is any discrepancy in the cervical cells count.
Please remember not to stress about this appointment. Prenatal care is very important for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Make sure that you ask enough questions to your doctor and clear all your confusion.