For most babies, breast milk is the very first food that they’re introduced to. It is probably more complex than the breast milk of all mammals, and is considered to be nothing short of a superfood. What makes breast milk a superfood is that it is uniquely tailored for each mother and her baby? Intrigued? Read on to know more.

What does breast milk comprise of?
Well, a lot of factors determine something that appears to be very simple! Your breast milk is a unique combination that is determined by your diet, genetics and hormones. In addition, the environmental factors around you also contribute to its composition. Let’s say the weather changes, and it gets hotter. In such an instance, the composition of breast milk will also change, i.e. it will also contain more water. There is ongoing research to understand how breast milk is so tuned in to your baby’s demands!
The milk is rich in antibodies, fat and nutrients that are tailor made to support your baby’s growth. Research shows that a significant portion of breast milk comprises of water.
More about breast milk
Breast milk comprises of ‘foremilk’, which is the milk that the baby gets as soon as he latches on. Lighter and more watery, this satisfies the baby’s immediate hunger pangs and calms him down. It helps protect your baby from dehydration owing to its high water content. Foremilk is also bursting with proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates.
‘Hindmilk’ is the thicker component of breast milk that flows in once the baby has been nursing for a while. This portion of the milk contains more energy and fat, both which help fill your baby’s tummy and keep him pleasantly full and satisfied until his next feed.
Research has revealed that breast milk also changes as per your baby’s requirements. For instance, the fat component increases in the milk as your baby grows, to satisfy his nutritional requirements. Over time, it provides complete nutrition for the baby.

What makes breast milk so amazing?
While we’ve established that the composition of breast milk changes to suit your baby’s needs, it’s also known that breast milk can help your baby fight off infection. For instance, if you have a cough or cold, the antibodies from your system are transferred to your baby via breast milk, thereby boosting his immunity. Extended breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as other ailments including obesity, asthma and allergies. Miraculous indeed!
The bottom line
There is no doubt that breast milk is unique and is the perfect food for your little one. While it may be difficult at the initial stages to establish a breastfeeding routine, doctors advise that you stay as stress-free as possible in order to get a good supply of breast milk. Once the baby learns to latch on well, your breastfeeding journey becomes both enjoyable and satisfying.