The skin of a new born baby is very delicate, and they are born with a unique moisturizing layer called vernix. Bathing your baby can become a routine for the both of you and it is an amazing opportunity to bond.

Sponge Bathing
Lay your baby on a clean mat. Keep a sponge or thin cotton towel and warm water ready. Use cotton wool to clean around the eyes and ears areas. Wipe gently around the baby’s eyes and use a fresh piece of cotton for both eyes.
Clean your baby’s ears with a fresh piece of cotton. Make sure you don’t clean inside of the ears with a cotton piece or an earbud.
Use the sponge or towel to clean your baby’s face, neck, and hands. The bottom area should be cleaned with a fresh towel and clean thoroughly between the skin folds.
Talk to your baby while you bath her. She will feel relaxed and get used to your voice.
You’ll only need to give your baby sponge baths until his umbilical cord stump comes off then you can move on to baths in his baby tub.

Bathing Your Baby
Bathing your newborn every day may not be necessary but in case your baby likes it, you can bathe her daily. Don’t bathe your baby when hungry or tired. Decide a time when she is happy and relaxed.
Keep warm water, two towels, clean nappy and clean clothes ready.
Start with the hair. Clean the hair with plain water. You should avoid keeping the hair wet for a long time. Dry the hair and then lower your baby in the tub filled water. Support their neck and head while doing so. Don’t add any liquid cleansers in the water. Plain water is best for the first few months for your baby.
Never leave your baby in the bath alone, not even for a second. Pat her dry and you can gently massage her while drying.

Bathing time can get difficult if your baby cries. You will have to find something that soothes her.