A balanced diet is very important for your toddler. When you are breastfeeding, he gets all the minerals from your breastmilk, but as he grows, his requirement increases. You need to make sure, his diet offers him the essential nutrients necessary for growth and development. While it is difficult to feed babies all the healthy things in the beginning, we should try and offer him the important food items to boost his growth.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium from the foods we eat. Calcium along with Vitamin D helps build bones and keep them strong. Apart from strengthening bones, Vitamin D also helps in fighting infection and is an important nutrient for heart health.
The main source of Vitamin D is sunlight and food items like fatty fish and fish oils, which babies may not eat at an early stage. Doctors recommend Vitamin D supplements for children which should not be avoided at all.
Zinc helps in the creation of new cells and helps to heal faster. Zinc is an important nutrient in babies for their proper growth and development.
Sources of Zinc include meat, milk, cheese, bread, and cereals.

Vitamin C
The most important use of vitamin C is healing. Your toddler is going to fall while learning to walk and crawl. All kinds of scrapes are healed faster by intake of Vitamin C. It also helps in iron absorption and develops white blood cells, which in turns fights infection. Some of the main sources of Vitamin C include broccoli, sprouts, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Fruits like oranges, strawberries, and kiwi are also good sources of Vitamin C.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is to improve your baby’s vision, to develop his immune system and maintain healthy skin. Sources of Vitamin A are cheese, eggs, and yogurt. Dark leafy vegetables are also a good source of Vitamins.