Let’s begin with what tummy time is all about. It’s rather simple, really – tummy time refers to the time your baby spends on his stomach when awake. It is widely encouraged worldwide owing to its numerous benefits, and seeing how crucial it is for your baby’s milestone development.

The benefits of tummy time
Tummy time helps your growing baby develop. It builds and strengthens his neck, back, and shoulder muscles and improves his hand-eye coordination. It also encourages your baby to roll over and crawl. Further, tummy time may help prevent developmental milestones and motor delays.
Babies tend to spend a fair chunk of their time lying on their backs, giving rise to a flat spot on the back of their heads. Regular tummy time helps avoid this for your baby.

Tips to make tummy time a success
- Begin early: We tend to think that babies are delicate when they are little, and won’t be able to handle being on their tummies! That’s not true though, and you can introduce your baby to tummy time within the first few days of his life.
- Encourage the family to participate: Tummy time makes for a great bonding opportunity with your little one, not just for yourself but also for the entire family. You can place the baby on your body or lie down on the floor next to your baby as you interact with him.
- Get down, and stay down: Your baby will be more interested in tummy time if he has someone at his eye level. He will turn to hear your voice as you talk to him – or how about softly humming his favourite song?
- Make it a sensory experience: To make tummy time more engaging for your little one, you can introduce textured toys such as crinkly books, play gyms or mats and other colourful toys.
- Get the timing right: Tummy time is best undertaken when your baby is at his most comfortable. Don’t place your baby on his tummy when he is just fed, or cranky before a feed. A well-rested baby is more likely to be responsive.
- Don’t rush the baby: Every baby takes their own time to adjust to being on their tummy, so it’s best to allow your little one some space to get used to tummy time. If he doesn’t respond immediately, give it a rest and try again.

Remember this!
Tummy time may not be easy to begin with, as some babies can protest rather loudly at being placed on their tummies! Start off slow and keep increasing the amount of time your little one spends on his stomach. Encourage him to play for a longer duration each day. It’s best to continue tummy time until your baby can roll over on his own, which is typically around 5-6 months.
Stay focused, and don’t get discouraged even if your baby takes time to respond! Give your baby plenty of tummy time and you will soon see the difference.