Planning a baby or are you expecting a bouncy little bundle in a few months from now? While congratulations are in order, remember that your health is more important now, than it has ever been. Read on to know why you should make folic acid an essential part of your routine.

Folic acid – your pregnancy companion
It is advisable to kickstart your pregnancy journey with folic acid. A supplementary form of folate, which is a B vitamin, folic acid is crucial from the word go. In fact, if you haven’t conceived already, your gynaecologist would recommend that you start taking folic acid as a prenatal vitamin.
What makes folic acid important?
Folic acid is required for the formation of a healthy foetus. Folate plays a critical role in the formation of red blood cells and also helps the baby’s neural tube develop into the spinal cord and brain. Research has proven that consuming folic acid in pregnancy can help prevent serious birth defects such as spina bifida. Given that it aids in proper organ development, folic acid should definitely be on top of your list.

The benefits of consuming folic acid in pregnancy
Let’s talk about the health benefits that are a result of taking folic acid in pregnancy. We’ve now established that neural tube defects can be avoided when an expectant mother consumes folic acid regularly. In addition, folic acid when taken in pregnancy may also protect your baby against a cleft lip and palate, congenital heart defects, low birth weight, and even premature birth.
Folic acid extends its benefits to the expectant mother as well. The intake of folic acid has been known to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications that may arise in pregnancy. For example, regular intake of folic acid in the second trimester reduces the risk of preeclampsia, which can be a life-threatening medical condition.
How much is too much?
Typically, it is universally recommended that an expectant mother should take a daily dose of 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid to prevent birth defects. For dosage instructions, however, it is always best to consult your gynaecologist, because they know your case history well. You may be asked to take a higher dosage of folic acid if a previous pregnancy has resulted in a child with a neural tube defect.

Where do you find this superfood?
While folic acid is usually prescribed as a medicinal supplement in tablet form, you can consider natural dietary sources as well. For instance, leafy green vegetables and fruits such as spinach, lentils, and citrus fruits can be a good source. Breakfast cereals that are fortified with a healthy dose of folic acid are also a great way to begin your day and provide the required boost.
Your next steps
Determine the right dosage and begin your folic acid intake today. It should be continued even later into your pregnancy and breastfeeding journey, so do remember to stock up on your folic acid supplements!