Top 10 pregnancy health tips that you need to follow

Did you just find out that you are pregnant? Well, the real work begins now! It is time to bring about some important changes in your lifestyle so that you have a healthy pregnancy. Here are 10 tips that you need to follow for the same:

1. Strike a chord of comfort with your doctor

You will need to do your research about the good gynaecologists in your area and choose one now. From now on, you will require monthly visits, ultrasound checks and so on. So, deciding on a good gynaecologist is the need of the hour.

Pregency Week

2. Eat folic acid and iron-rich foods

Folic acid and iron are very important for mothers and babies. They help in strengthening your uterus and preventing your baby from birth deformities. Iron also helps you to stay energetic all through your pregnancy.

Pregency Week

3. Exercises are key to begin with

Apart from walking, you can also talk to your gym instructor and chalk out a low-intensity, safe, pregnancy workout plan for yourself. Practice your exercises every day to stay healthy and improve your baby’s overall weight and development as well.

4. Stick to the schedule of every single pre-natal test

At various stages of your pregnancy, your doctor may advise you to undergo various prenatal tests to check for birth deformities in your baby and health risks in you. Do them without fail so that you will know if you can deliver naturally or if you should plan for a Caesarean section.

5. Completely cut out the two most important vices – alcohol and smoking

If you are a smoker, you must quit right away. Studies have proved that mothers who smoke are more likely to deliver still babies or premature babies or babies with low birth weight. Sometimes, smoking can also result in sudden death of the baby.

When you consume alcohol, it reaches your baby as well, through the placenta. Unlike smoking, you don’t need quit alcohol completely, but you must keep it a bare minimum. Although, don’t forget to consult with your doctor before you enjoy a drink. It is highly recommended that you quit drinking during the first trimester as it can result in a miscarriage.

Pregency Week

6. Maternity wear shopping

After your first trimester, you will be able to better manage your morning sickness. Your stomach will also start showing; therefore, you have to start shopping for comfortable maternity wear for office purposes. Wear comfortable clothes and footwear to office so that you or your baby don’t feel uncomfortable at any stage.

7. Stretching it out is beneficial

When you are in office, ensure that you don’t sit in the same place or same position for more than one hour. You must take frequent breaks and walk around your workplace to make your muscles flexible and comfortable during pregnancy. Stretch your legs and hands every two hours or so to make yourself comfortable. We are sure your colleagues will also encourage you to do the same!

8. Know your supplements

Vitamins are form an essential part of nutrition during pregnancy, especially when taken in moderation. Ensure that you are well aware about the supplements that are recommended to you by the doctors and that you know the reason why you are taking them. Appropriate supplements, along with a balanced diet and regular physical exercise can help you traverse smoothly in your pregnancy journey.

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