Out of all the essential nutrients, none are as diverse and as important as carbohydrates. The simple reason is that carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body. Carbs come in different forms, and each type plays a crucial role in growth and development. In this article, we discuss the functions of different types as well as the sources of carbs.

Fuel for the Body
Carbohydrates are made up of simple units like sugars, starch and fibres. From these, the ones containing sugars act as sources of energy for the body. When you eat food that contains carbohydrates, these are broken down into its constituent parts, that is, sugars. These are in the form of glucose, fructose and sucrose. Following this, the blood absorbs the sugars. These are then utilized by the numerous cells of the body to generate energy.
Sugars play a vital role in the baby’s growth. The placenta serves as an important connection between the mother and the baby to exchange nutrients. Sugars can pass through the placenta providing the much-needed nutrition for the growth of the developing baby.
Metabolism Activating Properties
Several chemical processes drive growth and development in the human body. These can range from cell division, replacement of damaged tissues, production of new layers, generation of energy etc. These are the same processes that keep us alive and at the same time, ensure regular growth and maturation of the baby. Besides sugars, starch and dietary fibres play an important role in the activation and regulation of the metabolism.

Following a Carbohydrate-Rich Diet
Eating foods with carbohydrates is essential for the development of a human body. Here’s how you can introduce carbohydrates in your diet.
Glycemic index is basically a number which tells you how fast the carbs in your food can be converted to glucose. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables without starch food in your diet for low glycemic index carbohydrates and to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
Fibers are broadly classified as soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers naturally found in fruits, oats, barley help in slow digestion resulting in slow absorption of glucose. Including insoluble fibre rich foods like nuts, whole wheat, brown rice helps to hydrate and prevents constipation.
One of the greatest sources of healthy carbohydrates is oats. Almost 2/3rd of oats are pure carbohydrates. Besides carbs, oats also provide you with protein and dietary fibre.
If you are looking for a mix of starch, fibres and sugars, look no further. Sweet potatoes are considered to have an adequate mix of the above carbohydrates. Other than that, sweet potatoes also provide you with vitamin A, vitamin C as well as a host of anti-oxidants.
Diet plans that contain digestible carbohydrates is essential for body development, boosting metabolism and providing required energy. Make sure your diet containsenough carbohydrates to meet the nutritional demands of your body and that of your developing baby.
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