The birth of life is a miraculous event. In a span of 9 months, a tiny single cell becomes a human being. This transformation occurs in steps and the level of complexity increases every month. In this article, we talk about the physiological changes occurring in your baby.

Month 1:
During the initial stages of fertilisation, the egg starts dividing and forms a mass of cells. This collection of cells then begins its journey from the fallopian tube all the way to the uterus. It then attaches itself to the womb. These cells have all the raw materials to form a human body. They will soon give rise to the several systems of the body, vital organs, and external body parts.
Month 2:
Just over a month old, the developing baby is almost 1mm in length. It already has a developing brain, blood vessels, spinal cord and the umbilical cord. The baby also starts developing buds which will grow into limbs. The head appears to be bigger than the rest of the body. The reason is the ongoing developmental processes in the brain. By the end of the 2nd month, the heart is beating at a rate of 110 beats per minute.
Month 3:
In a span of a month, the baby has grown more than 60 times in length. Several changes occur in the body, especially in the head and face region. The baby develops gums, lips, defined orbits for the eyes as well as taste buds on the tongues. Vital organs such as the brain, liver, kidneys and lungs continue to develop along with the formation of cartilage, bones and joints.
Month 4:
The 2nd trimester brings about several other changes in the baby. The internal sex organs such as the ovaries or testes from completely. The external organs will start their developmental process. The liver and pancreas begin to function by this time. The baby’s digestive system also starts functioning.
Month 5:
Your baby’s body grows proportionally to the head. It weighs around 300 gms with most of its internal structures fully functional. The baby’s auditory systems also start working which makes it receptive towards sounds. Another remarkable development happens in the form of growing nails, eyelashes, hair. The baby also develops fingerprints around the same time.
Month 6:
By the 6th month, you can feel your baby’s movement. This is because the bones replace most of the baby’s cartilage. Also, the muscles have developed to the extent of facilitating body movements. As a result, the baby starts gaining weight. Around this time, the baby also develops its own sleeping routine.
Month 7:
The baby now weighs up to a kilo. Their senses begin to show signs of recognition and reaction. For example, they can taste the amniotic fluid whose flavour changes according to your diet.
Month 8:
The baby’s lungs are ready to breathe air. The developmental stages have advanced to the extent of determining the colour of the baby’s eyes.
Month 9:
When the baby is ready to be born, it weighs somewhere between 2-3 kilos on an average. Although they are curled around in a foetal position, they can shift inside the womb. At this stage, the baby’s circulatory system, nervous system, vital organs have fully developed.