As the weeks of pregnancy proceed, your baby goes through a series of transformations. The journey that started from a fertilized egg has now reached the stage of rapid growth. Here’s a glimpse of all the changes in the life of your developing baby.

Baby’s Development at 7th Week
In 7 weeks, the baby has grown from a microscopic bundle of cells to a 4-10 mm long embryo. By now, the buds representing the arms become clearly visible. They take on the appearance of flat paddles before developing into functional limbs. The 7th week also marks a rapid growth phase of the nervous system.
The circulatory and the respiratory systems have also undergone significant changes. The heart starts developing left and right chambers whereas the lungs form air passages.
Baby’s Development at 8th Week
At this stage, the facial features have started to develop. In the previous week, the baby’s face had developed nostrils, structures of the mouth like lips, tongues and gums with tooth buds. Now, the jawbone, the mouth and nose start becoming more defined.
The 8th week also sees the development of the baby’s skeletal structures. More importantly, bone cells start replacing cartilage at several places. The formation and development of muscles cause the baby to make jerky movements.
Baby’s Development at 9th Week
In the following week, the baby starts developing many features. These will continue to mature over the course of pregnancy. The mouth continues to create a definite lining of gums. Taste buds begin to appear on the tongue by the end of the 9th week.
Several vital organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and the brain continue to develop.
Baby’s development at 10th Week
The growth and development at the 10th week have caused the baby to grow up to 4 cms. At this stage, a remarkable difference exists between the size of the head and that of the body. The head seems to be considerably larger than the rest of the body as a sign of rapid brain development. Rest of the body goes through different developmental procedures.
Baby’s Development at 11th Week
At the 11th week, the baby is between 4-5 cms long. Most bones of the face have already fused to form a definite structure. By now, the buds that represent the limbs have started developing fingers and toes. These begin to separate and become distinct from the webbed structures.
Baby’s Development at 12th Week
By the end of the first trimester, the baby’s development is far from complete. In the past few weeks, the baby’s size has doubled reaching the length of 6 cms. Around this time, you may have a glimpse of your little one through your first ultrasound scan.
While the developmental process continues, it is vital that you get adequate nutrition. So, make sure you plan and consume a healthy diet.