The Benefits of Dairy Foods During Pregnancy

Our body requires constant nourishment to grow and remain healthy. Nourishment, in the form of nutrients, can be found in several food items. Especially during pregnancy, the body requires more nutrients than usual. Therefore, it becomes vital for pregnant mums to select a diet that provides additional nourishment. An important class of foodstuff with the benefit of several nutrients is dairy foods. Here we discuss the benefits of including dairy foods in your diet.

Pregency Week

Calcium and Vitamin D for Strong Bones

It is a well-documented fact that Calcium and Vitamin D are indispensable for the development of strong bones. These also become necessary for the formation of teeth, bones and joints in the developing baby.

The human body cannot produce Calcium and Vitamin D. Therefore, you have to look for external sources that can fulfil your nutritional requirement. Dairy products such as cheese, milk, yoghurt as well as ice cream serve as excellent sources of the above nutrients.

Pregency Week

A Rich Source of Protein and Fats

Since proteins are necessary at every stage of development, it is one of the essential nutrients required during pregnancy. Proteins perform a variety of roles ranging from muscle development, brain growth and maturation, immune functions, metabolic activities etc.

Although fats have been portrayed under poor light when it comes to health, they have several important functions in the body. Fats give structural rigidity to cells and regulate the passage of materials between each cell. In the brain, fats insulate the connections between different brain cells and prevent their activation. Besides these, one of the most important roles is the formation of a protective layer over several vital organs. This prevents them from extreme cold, heat as well as physical damage.

Another essential quality of fats is the ability to utilize Vitamins like A, D, E and K. These are known as fat-soluble vitamins. Without fats, the human body would fail to absorb these nutrients irrespective of their availability.

Cheese, yoghurt and milk can serve you good amounts of fat. Along with fats, these dairy products provide additional nutrients such as Phosphorus, vitamins and minerals.

Pregency Week

A Word of Caution

Although there are several benefits of various dairy products, some of them can be detrimental to your health and your baby’s. Stay away from unpasteurized products. Pasteurization is the treatment of dairy products that eliminates harmful bacteria. Consequently, consuming unpasteurized can expose you and your baby to disease-causing pathogens. Also, it is recommended to avoid goat or sheep’s milk as it may cause indigestion.

Similarly, some varieties of soft cheese and blue cheese have high levels of listeria. It is possible that listeria can cause miscarriages in pregnant mums and illnesses in new-borns.

Another cause of worry is lactose intolerance. If this is the case, opt for aged hard cheese and yoghurt. These are found to have low lactose levels.

For more information on dairy products, visit

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