1. Labour and Birth
So, the longest 40 weeks of your life are almost over. As much as you are excited to see the baby, I am sure you are waiting to have your normal self-back, to sleep on your stomach, to bend and pick up things yourself and to just be the way you were.
But the idea of labour can get scary and you may get anxious about how those few hours in the labour room are going to be like. A little planning before labour will make life easier and you would find make the birthing process more comforting and convenient.
Be prepared for your baby’s arrival:
2. Join a Class and meet other pregnant Women
Take a birthing class to learn about the stages of labour. These birthing classes help in pain management and breathing techniques. It also helps you understand the hospital and medical equipment’s that may be used during your pregnancy. Meet other pregnant women and talk about how you feel.
3. Do your Research
Every labour is different, and your body is unique. Do your research on the internet, understand different types of delivery. Watch videos and empower yourself. Many women must undergo C-section and that’s perfectly fine. It is best to be understand the pros and cons and be ready for the type of pregnancy coming your way. Talk to other veteran moms and listen to their experiences. You experience would be different from them but when you talk, you may just learn from their mistakes.

4. Exercise
Labour and giving birth is an extensive t process. Your body has been going through many changes through the last 40 weeks and now is the time to prepare your body for the d-Day. You will need strength and stamina to get your baby out. You should ideally undergo some prenatal massage, yoga classes and gentle exercise for moms- to -be to ease out the pain and shorten your labour. Birth yoga helps your baby to be in the correct position and it also provides breathing techniques to you to stay calm. But please do remember that whatever you opt for, at first have a discussion with your doctor regarding that.
5. Stay Positive
Keep all the negative thoughts and people away from you, you don’t deserve or need any more stress. This is a happy phase and trains your mind to stay positive and be happy. Do what you like – Listen to Music, read a Book or just talk to your family. You are going to be welcoming your baby in a few days and you want to do that with a happy mind.
6. Prepare for the Hospital
Pack your hospital bags and explain to your partner about things you will need at the hospital. Create a checklist, spend some time with people who are going to be with you during your hospitalization and explain your expectations to them.
7. Prepare your Home
Your home needs to be cleaned every day and there should be no room for your newborn to catch any infection. If you have another baby or a pet, prepare them for the new arrival. You are going to need help after you come home, so talk to your family or hire some help.