One of the biggest misunderstandings we have is that only woman’s habits affect pregnancy. Mother and father both are equally responsible for a successful pregnancy and for a healthy baby . The lifestyle of the father has an equal role to play in the wellbeing of the baby.

When trying to have a baby, it is best for both of you to reduce the intake of alcohol. Intake of excessive alcohol can affect the quality of your partner’s sperm and can lead to spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Smoking can have more adverse effects and decrease both your fertility. Women can have difficulty in conceiving and are prone to cervical cancer. Smoking in men may result in lower sperm count and it can damage DNA in the sperm in turn affecting the health of your baby.
Fathers-to-be should avoid alcohol because alcohol can affect the health of a new-born. Research also says the baby develops foetal alcohol disorder even when the mother has never sipped alcohol. The reason solely is the father’s alcohol consumption. Paternal alcohol intake can lead to an underweight baby, reduction in overall brain size and impaired cognitive function.
You should never smoke or be a passive smoker during pregnancy. If your partner is a smoker, you need to counsel him to give up on this unhealthy habit at the earliest. Father’s smoking habit can cause smoke to pass on their unborn children and can increase the chances of cancer. Your baby is being basically exposed to harmful chemicals which are going to harm him for life. A smoke-free household is going to help you have a healthy baby.

After Birth
Smoking in front of a new-born can increase the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The baby may suffer from asthma due to the smoke, the intakes and can also suffer from severe allergies – sometimes incurable.
Women should avoid alcohol even after the birth of the child until she is breastfeeding. Alcohol intake may alter the taste of your milk and can cause your baby to drink less of it.