After breastfeeding your baby for 6 months, it is now time to introduce him to solid foods. This is the time that is quite challenging for new mothers. This is because your baby’s taste buds would have almost developed now, and he would prefer certain foods to others. Did you know that the foods that you eat while breastfeeding and the unique flavours of your breast milk impact your baby’s taste buds and his love for certain foods? Keep reading to know more about the same:

What you eat during breastfeeding is important
Breast milk is the best food for your baby during the first 6 months. You might know this already, but what you may not know is that your breast milk has different flavours based on the foods that you eat. For example, if you feed your baby within an hour of eating bananas, your milk will have a slight banana flavour in it. Your baby will grow up drinking this and after 6 months, when you introduce bananas in the form of solid foods, he will enjoy this a lot.
Some paediatric studies also proved that when mothers consumed carrot-related foods at the time of nursing, their babies loved carrot-flavoured dishes more than the plain and bland dishes when it was time for them to eat solid foods. So, your breast milk definitely plays a huge role in helping your baby transition to solid foods smoothly, once he completes 6 months.

Start with eating a healthy diet
Do you want your baby to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods when he grows? The first step that you have to take in this regard is to eat well during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Your baby starts getting introduced to different flavours and tastes of foods that you eat because his taste buds start developing right when you progress into your second trimester. He gets familiar with the spices, fruits, rice and everything else that you eat.
Similarly, while nursing, the flavours of the foods that you eat pass onto your kids as well because your breast milk can change flavours every day. When you eat the right foods, your baby will get influenced by them and start loving these foods when you introduce them to him as well. So, healthy eating should start with you!

Make maximum use of your breast milk
Breast milk is the best food (and should be the only food) for the baby for the first 6 months. It is not only because breast milk helps to develop the immunity system of the baby and keeps him less prone to various ailments in the future. It is also because breast milk plays a vital role in the healthy choices of food that your baby makes when he grows up. The flavours that you introduce to him during pregnancy and while nursing make a strong impact on his dietary habits. He will switch to eating fruits, vegetables, grains and other healthy choices of foods, without any fuss, if he is already familiar with the tastes of these foods, thanks to your breast milk.