Maternity leave is a given; but the concept of paternity leave is also gaining importance at the workplace. Parenting is the responsibility of both the parents, and the father’s role also begins when the mother’s does. Let’s see what the advantages are, and who all reap the benefit when the father-to-be avails of paternity leave.

This is what makes paternity leave so important
With a new baby, things are overwhelming for the mother from the word go, and that’s reason enough for the new father to also pitch in. From getting the paperwork sorted at the hospital or nursing home, to ensuring that the home is ready to welcome you and your little one, your spouse needs to help at every step of the way.
When the baby is born, he is primarily dependent on you, and you are the source of nutrition and comfort for the little one. The bonding, therefore, is natural and only too expected. New dads, however, may not have an instant connect with the newborn and vice versa. They have to get used to each other! For the baby, there is nothing like being held close and the little one can draw comfort and reassurance when the father holds him .
Research shows that the father needs to bond with the new baby as much as the mother does, and this is where taking time off is required. It’s not just you who has to bond with your newborn as his mother, but your spouse also needs to acclimatise to his role as a new father! Bonding with the baby is therefore as important for him, as it is for you. Get your spouse involved in duties concerning the newborn, be it diaper changes or even getting the baby to sleep. Paternity leave will give your spouse and the baby a chance to bond right from the initial stage, and forge a connection that will last a lifetime.

Making the most of paternity leave
The ideal time to avail the paternity leave would be just before the birth. This ensures that you and your spouse have time to get done with your preparations for the baby’s arrival. Paternity leave would also be helpful when you and your spouse are settling in with the new baby, in the first week or two following the birth.
Subsequently, your spouse being on paternity leave will allow you flexibility and some much-needed me time, because taking care of a baby is not an easy task! Not only does availing paternity leave make your spouse a great support, but also equips them to handle the baby in your absence. Use this time to bond with your spouse so that you are also geared to work as a team, sharing childcare responsibilities.
Paternity leave in India
While somewhat in a nascent stage, more organisations are now extending paternity leave to new fathers as well. Do have your spouse check with their employer as to the specifics of their company’s paternity leave policy well in advance, so that you both are able to plan well. While leave policies (and duration of leave) may differ from organisation to organisation, the fact remains that it is now acknowledged that fathers play an equally important role in bringing up a child.