Get your body right on track after delivery

The period of about 6 to 8 weeks after your delivery is called the postpartum period. Most mothers tend to ignore their health during this time as they go through a period of stress, anxiety, and curiosity during this phase. During the postpartum phase, you undergo lots of physical and mental changes. Let’s understand how you can care for your body post-pregnancy in the best possible manner.

Get enough rest

Your baby may keep you awake at odd hours; your sleep cycles may go for a toss. Due to lack of proper sleep in the night, you may feel tired all through the day. In a few weeks, it may start affecting your mood and physical appearance. To get rid of this problem, you have to get enough sleep during the day. You have to sleep when your baby sleeps; that’s a simple trick to follow to ensure that your body copes well post-pregnancy.

Being prepared for the physical changes

One of the first things that you need to know about your post-pregnancy body is that you may experience some physical discomfort, especially in your vagina and breasts. If you have delivered naturally, you may feel vaginal soreness, but it should be alright within 2 to 3 days.

You may feel that your breasts have become tender and big after delivery; however, as you get into your schedule of feeding your baby in a particular cycle every day, you will start feeling better. Opt for loose, comfortable clothes during this phase and take special care to avoid any sort of infections.

Healthy diet

You will need a lot of strength and immunity immediately after delivery because looking after a newborn can be an exhaustive task! Regardless of how busy you are, you should never compromise on eating a balanced diet every day. This will not only keep you healthy but also help you providing proper nourishment for your baby. Ensure that your diet consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and other protein-rich products so that you don’t feel the fatigue during the postpartum phase.

Physical exercise

You may have put on a lot of weight during pregnancy; but don’t worry. You should remember not to push your body too much. Take it slowly. Walking is a great way to start. After about 8 to 12 weeks of delivery, you can start your exercise routine if your doctor permits you. The idea is to remain fit and lose a reasonable amount of weight during this phase so that you will be in the right frame of mind and body when you resume work soon.

Getting help

It is important that you have somebody at home to help you with taking care of your baby. Even if you and your partner are ready to be hands-on parents, you need a trustworthy person at home to help you handle your new responsibility. The support system could be in the form of your parents or caretakers. This way, you will get some time to take care of yourself as well, especially during the postpartum phase.

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