A strong immune system for toddlers helps to strengthen the body, helps it defend against germs and build resistance to infections. As a toddler is still developing, the right kind of food can help build a stronger immune system for a simpler adulthood. There are immune-enhancing nutrients available in food that helps build up the body’s defence system.
From prebiotics, to essential nutrients feeding your toddler with food that helps support their immune system is essential during the growing years for long term health. Here are some cues on what you can feed your toddler.

A healthy level of bacteria is required to aid a good digestive and intestinal system. To build strong immune, the good bacteria or the prebiotics provide for an essential natural dose to fight against the harmful bacteria and build up strong immunity. Prebiotics are naturally found in:
- Bananas
- Yogurt
- Tomatoes
- Garlica
- Whole-wheat
Prebiotics are also available in fortified-milk formulas to provide for the daily dose.

Iron is essential for healthy growth of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the body. This accelerates the energy level in the child, their growth and development and their immune function. Food items like raisins, apricots, spinach, kale, beans, nuts etc have iron in high amounts. Feeding at least 7mg of iron to your toddler daily is important to promote a healthy immune system.
ZINC is an important mineral that helps release a number of enzymes in the body that creates new cells and strengthens body’s defence system. Zinc is one of the key compounds to build strong immunity. Zinc isn’t stored in the body, so it is important to provide for the food like milk, cheese, bread, cereals, meat etc. on a regular basis for the daily dosage.
The sunshine Vitamin or the Vitamin D is essential to prepare the body to fight against infections, germs and bacteria. It builds strong immunity as well as prevents from a variety of allergies. Most kids need to be given due time under the sun as Vitamin D can be absorbed by the skin naturally from Sunlight. But if there is lack of opportunities for this, you can resort to feeding your child with Vitamin D rich food like eggs, margarine, fortified cereals, fish, milk etc.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that also heals and protects cell. Vitamin C helps fight infection, Aids iron absorption and builds strong immune system. Feeding your child with Vitamin C enriched food like Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, oranges, kiwi, or pepper keeps a check on their nutrition.
Building antibody response as a support to immune system, Vitamin A is an essential nutrient in your toddler’s diet. Feeding them with eggs, cheese, yogurt, carrots, mango, green cabbage, kale etc ensures their immune system develops as fast as they do!
Pick the right food to feed to your child to help them build a stronger and healthier immune system!