It is surprising to know how fast your baby develops in your womb. Here’s a brief guide on foetus development during the first 3 weeks of pregnancy.

Week 1 & 2
Since the exact ovulation date is difficult to find, the first day of your last period is the start of your pregnancy. The length of pregnancy is also termed as the baby’s gestational age, which is a common term used during pregnancy. It would actually mean that in the first two weeks or so, you aren’t yet pregnant. Your body will be preparing for ovulation at this point. For most women, ovulation takes place from about 11-21 days from the first day of last period. Several hundred million sperms are released in the vagina during intercourse and they are going to travel a long journey before one of them meets your fertilized egg.
The lining of the uterus has thickened to prepare for a fertilized egg. Once the sperm penetrates an egg and this is the start of a new life – your baby.
Week 3
The moment you have been waiting for has arrived. This week you have officially conceived. Believe it or not, your baby has already started growing. The gender, hair colour and eye colour of the baby has already been decided and a lot of basic growth has started at this time. The development of the brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract has begun.
While the wait is long, a few weeks from now, you will be able to see your fully-grown baby.