Over the course of pregnancy, your body will undergo several transformations. This is because the body is adapting to the changes brought about by pregnancy. It is a necessary process. The changes make sure that your child has the right conditions to grow and develop. In this article, we discuss the various changes taking place in your body.

Month 1:
Most mums find out about their pregnancy in the 1st month. One of the tell-tale signs of pregnancy is the feeling of nausea or morning sickness. Your body also starts producing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone which results in frequent urination.
Month 2:
Because of nausea, you become more sensitive towards food aromas and other smells. The changing hormonal levels will give you mood swings. By this time, you will also occasionally feel fatigued.

Month 3:
The 3rd month marks the end of the 1st trimester. At this stage, your baby has developed considerably. The feeling of nausea subsides as the body gets used to the changing levels of hormones. That said, mood swings and sensitivity towards food may continue. However, you may experience the return of your appetite.
Month 4:
By the 4th month, the ‘baby bump’ starts to show. Excitingly, you begin to feel your baby’s first movements. You will also experience relief from nausea and mood swings while your hormones stabilize. As the uterus grows and rises upwards, you might experience heartburn.
Month 5:
Congratulations! Half of your journey is over. But there’s more to come. Your appetite makes a comeback, and you may gain around 3-7 kilos. As your baby develops, you may feel fatigued because of the additional weight. It is possible that you may face issues like constipation and heartburn.
Month 6:
You have gone past the stage of the 2nd trimester. At this point, you can certainly feel your baby’s movements. Your uterus has grown, and this causes your stomach to increase in size. You may also experience constipation, bleeding gums and leg cramps. Consult your doctor if these conditions intensify

Month 7:
The beginning of the 3rd trimester brings about a remarkable change in the body. You will gain ½ kg every week. Due to the weight of the growing baby, you will experience frequent cramps in your legs. Also, the baby’s movements become more frequent. You should start thinking of maternity leaves by the end of the 7th month.
Month 8:
By the 8th month, the baby’s movements may cause you some discomfort. As the baby slides into the pelvic area, you may experience greater pressure. While the stomach continues to enlarge, stretch marks begin to appear.
Month 9:
Your wait is about to get over. All this month, you will be anxious about your baby’s birth. While it may be difficult to sleep in a particular position, breathing becomes easier. You will also experience contractions. At this point, you may have gained an average of 15 kilos. The last month also brings out the “nesting instinct” in you. This makes you prepare your home for the baby’s arrival.