After 9 months of carrying your bundle of joy, and going through the experience of labour, you’re now at the most amazing time of your life. During the first meet with your baby, you’ll experience a rush of oxytocin, the love hormone. An immense feeling of joy and gratitude will most likely wash over you too.

After delivery
Skin-to-skin contact is a beautiful way for mothers to bond. Sooner or later, sometimes even immediately, you will start feeling the love and warmth. It’s great for the baby too. Touching and cuddling her will also strengthen these feelings. What’s amazing is this has physical effects on her — it regulates body temperature, respiratory rate, and even help initiate the development of their immune system.
At this stage, focus on breastfeeding, ensuring that they latch on well, with careful positioning. It is also important to rest. Take your time, it will help you recover faster too.

1 month
At this stage, she’ll start recognising sounds, and become more alert. She’ll learn to smile, so be sure to smile a lot. This will help you bond with her because when she sees you happy, she’ll learn by observing you. Her vision is also improving, and she can start seeing human faces and moving objects. She’ll especially focus on your face, so try to be as near as possible when you can, so that she’ll also be reassured by your familiarity. Skin-to-skin contact is still the best way to bond, so massages and cuddles are great ways to do this.
2 months
She’ll know how you and your birth partner sounds, talk to her as much as you can. She’ll also start sleeping less and observing more. You’ll also begin understanding her likes and dislikes, and it’s the cutest thing to feel ! At this point, physical contact will keep strengthening your bond because by now she derives comfort from your presence. To communicate with you, she’ll make sounds. Don’t worry, over time you’ll understand exactly what she’s is trying to say.
3 months
Now, she’s more attentive, and parts of their personality will start to show. Physical and mental stimulation is important at this stage. She’ll also try to catch your intention to start a “conversation” with you by means of sounds and gurgles. A brighter smile is observed, and she’ll keep smiling till you smile back. It’s important to be there for her because she’ll want to talk to you or be held by you.