Throughout your pregnancy, your diet is of utmost importance as you need to provide nourishment to both yourself and the baby within you. Your child’s brain and his other organs are developing at an astonishing rate during your pregnancy. Therefore,your diet needs to include food that is rich in fatty acidswhich will support his all-round development.

The need forLCPs
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) are components that good fats are made up of. These fats assist the normal functioning of the body and are vital for both the mother-to-be and the child. While Omega 3 and Omega 6 are types of fatty acids essential for our health, our body cannot produce them on its own.This means that they need to be acquired through a nutritious diet.
Why do you require Omega 3?
When it comes to your unborn baby’s development, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a type of Omega 3 helps his growing brain and heart. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), another type of Omega 3 helps in strengthening your baby’s vision, immunity,and nervous system, especially during your third trimester when his development rate is at its peak.Omega 3s are one of the most recommended nutrients to enhance your baby’s cognitive development. This will aid your baby to develop better learning skills in the future.
Some research studies have found that having an Omega3-rich diet during your pregnancy may help your baby maintain a healthy birthweight and reduce the risk of premature delivery. It may also help regulate your mood swings during pregnancy and deal with post-partum depression. Some good sources for Omega 3 are eggs, oily fish like sardines, salmon, and grilled mackerel. Some of the vegetarian options could be walnuts,flax seeds and vegetable oils.
How does Omega 6 help?
Omega 6 is a nutrient that is beneficial for heart health as it helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. This is a long-term benefit for your bundle of joy. It also supports your baby’s brain and eye development. If these 2 LCPs are consumed in a balanced proportion, it could reduce the risk of childhood asthma. However, some studies suggest that though beneficial, Omega 6 could hinder your body’s capability to utilise Omega 3. This fact is currently under study. Some key sources of Omega 6 are vegetable oils and animal products.
As a mother-to-be, try to modify your diet as per your nutritional needs and include a balanced ratio of LCPs in your diet for your baby’s appropriate development. Visit for more information.