It is common for babies to experience feeding issues during the initial weeks. And, as a new mother, it is quite natural for you to have your own doubts regarding feeding your baby. In this article, we attempt to answer a few basic queries that you may have in your mind when you nurse your baby or feed him formula food or other solids.

1. Does my baby have reflux?
Reflux is a condition where your baby spits up the milk during or after feeding. However, you need not worry as this is a common issue among babies, which subsides by the time your baby turns 1. If your baby is fine otherwise, you need not worry. Plus, it can be treated by making your baby burp well after every feed. In case, you see your baby vomit forcefully, frequent greenish bile stained vomiting, retching, swallowing difficulties, blood in vomit or poo, then it is recommended to consult your doctor.

2. How do I know if my baby has had enough milk?
As a new mother, you may always have doubts if you are feeding your baby enough. Babies eat when they’re hungry and refuse when they’re not. Turning away from the breast or bottle, being fussy as their tummy is full or passing a lot of gas are signs they’re full. In case they bring up a lot of milk, there’s nothing to worry as when babies start out they may drink too much without realising. Don’t worry; the reason for your baby’s cries or irritation may not be hunger always. It is recommended to talk to your doctor if you’re concerned your baby is not having enough milk.

3. I am struggling to wind my baby? What should I do?
Seeing your baby in an unpleasant condition is not easy. But, there are things you can do to ensure they’re healthy and comfortable. Take a look at your feeding positions. Try holding your baby in a more upright position or have him sit on your lap rather than horizontally. This will help them avoid gulping down air or the milk from flowing faster than they can swallow. You may also try lying down with your baby while feeding to help them gulp less air or swallow properly. Also, make sure you’re winding them at night time as you would during the day.

4. My baby suffers stomach cramps when bottle fed, is it colic?
We understand how you would be feeling seeing your baby in an unpleasant condition. Here, we’d recommend you to pay a visit to your doctor as soon as you can, as they can help you come to a proper diagnosis of the condition. In some cases diarrhoea and stomach cramps could also be caused by cow milk allergy. While you fix an appointment with your doctor, you may gently massage your baby’s tummy or put a warm water bottle on their stomach to help them relax.
We hope these FAQs would have helped you to a certain extent in feeding your baby and understanding his requirements well.