Your baby’s nutrition is an important responsibility and you need to be alert round the clock. While it may seem difficult to know whether they are full, or they are still hungry, with time, you will understand her and the way she behaves when she is hungry.
Breast milk is the best way to keep her strong and healthy now and for the rest of her life. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the initial 6 months. It will keep her healthy and keep you away from chronic diseases and help you recover from the birth.Breastfeeding may get uncomfortable in the beginning, but you will get used to it with time. If you face any problems, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Sometimes breastfeeding may not be possiblefor mothers due to different health problems. In such scenarios – Check with the doctor and chose the next best option for your little angel.
Most new-borns need 8-12 feedings a day. You should feed your baby every 2-3 hours. Some of the signs that your baby is hungry include:
- Opening her mouth
- Sucking her lips
- Puts her hand and fists on the mouth
- Nuzzling against your breast

How do you know your new born is getting enough food and nutrients is a question most mothers have? You know your baby is getting enough to eat if she seems satisfied, sleeps well, is alert when awake, has proper bowel movements and wets 6-8 diapers a day. If your baby is always vomiting after feeding, call your doctor. It could be a sign of allergy.
Water, juices, and other fluids can be given once she is 6 months old. Breast milk provides everything babies need nutritionally until they start eating solid foods.