Traditionally, babies have always been given a massage daily just before a bath by an elderly lady in the family or a masseuse hired solely for this purpose. Today, however, the definition of baby massage is fast changing and is considered to be more of an exercise for the mother and baby to bond.
Read on to know how you can massage your little one in the initial days, from 0-4 weeks.

When should you start massaging your newborn?
Well, you can begin massaging the baby as soon as you’re home from the hospital! Some mothers prefer to wait until the baby’s umbilical cord stump has dried and fallen off, whilst others start off immediately. Whatever you choose, the key to successful massage time is being gentle and communicative with your baby.
A word of caution; if your baby is prematurely born or if for some other your doctor advises you to wait for a few days/ weeks until you can massage him, do so. Otherwise, any time is perfect to set your little one’s massage and bath routine.

How should you massage your newborn?
Do keep in mind that the idea of massaging your baby is primarily to bond with him. Use this time to softly croon to him, or talk to him, as you make him comfortable. With gentle hands, apply oil on your baby’s body in gentle, firm strokes. Massaging his scalp also helps relax him further.
Of course, before you begin, ensure that you maintain basic hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your baby, and take care that the towels and mat on which you place the baby are also clean each time. The room should be comfortable and warm, and the lights dim. Don’t forget to cuddle your little one close as you wrap up this delightful activity for the day!
Why is a newborn massage beneficial?
Your little baby stands to benefit greatly from a regular massage. Let’s take a quick look at some of the potential benefits:
- A sense of belonging: Your baby knows the sound of your voice, and being in this close proximity with you encourages him to bond with you more closely. Your touch is also familiar to your baby by now, and he enjoys being cuddled by you.
- Improves physical condition: Massaging your baby improves his blood circulation, which in turn increases his blood flow and therefore overall growth. It also helps to keep him warm.
- Betters the nervous system: Your baby’s nerves get stimulated and he is more likely to be calm and cry less. As he grows, he is also likely to be able to respond better to stress and pain. Your baby will grow to be more comfortable in his new environment.
- Improves sleeping patterns: A rhythmic, soothing massage can help your baby’s tired little body relax and get good sleep.
Get started!
Make your baby’s first few weeks in this world enjoyable and soothing with a massage that enhances mother and baby time!