At Danone we believe that food safety and responsible communication towards consumers is the main
pivot of building trust with our consumers and stakeholders.

Food Safety
It is paramount for us to develop, manufacture and deliver products that comply to food safety and regulatory requirements. Our products are manufactured in plants that are equipped with modern processing equipment and comply to international standards of GMP and Food Safety. The sites are certified to FSSC 22000 by third party certifying agencies and ensures application of stringent Quality and Food Safety systems such as HACCP during the manufacture of our products.
Danone is also actively participating in the GFSI organization.
Delivery of Safe and Compliant products is only possible through our skilled and trained workforce who imbibe Quality as a Culture.

Responsible Marketing of breast milk substitutes
Danone actively supports the WHO’s recommendation calling for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth and continued breastfeeding up to two years and beyond, along with the introduction of safe and appropriate complementary foods. Here at India, Danone also follows the Indian Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992 which envisages that there shall be no advertising or other forms of sales promotion of infant milk substitutes over breast milk. Danone closely works with multiple partners to create awareness and promote the life-long benefits of the right nutrition during a child’s first 1000 days.

Product Labelling
We strive to promote healthier choices and product labelling is an important step in that direction. Our Product’s labels provide necessary information about the appropriate use of the products, as well as giving detailed nutritional information. Products labels and its information are well within the permitted boundaries of Indian law.