
4 Myths About Food Taboos for Breastfeeding Mothers, Is It True That Spicy Food Causes Diarrhea in Babies?

Myths About Food Taboos for Breastfeeding Mothers

Just like when pregnant, when breastfeeding, mothers also need to pay attention to the food and drink intake consumed. Because, what mothers eat and drink while breastfeeding can affect the quality of breast milk, you know.

But unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding food taboos for breastfeeding mothers which ultimately make mothers confused.

Well, instead of being confused all the time, let’s find out what are the food taboos for breastfeeding mothers that are actually just myths. After that, don’t be confused anymore, okay!

1. Spicy food
Can breastfeeding mothers eat spicy food? This question is often asked by breastfeeding mothers, because many still think that spicy food can affect breast milk and can cause diarrhea in babies.

In fact, what a nursing mother eats will indeed affect the content of breast milk. Even so, the spicy taste implied in breast milk will not harm your little one, Mom. 1

This is because the little one has actually been exposed to various types of flavors through the amniotic fluid before he was born. So, Mom doesn’t need to worry anymore if she wants to eat spicy food.

2. Foods that smell strong like onions
Not a few breastfeeding mothers avoid strong-smelling foods such as onions because they are worried that it will change the aroma of breast milk and make the little one not want to breastfeed. But the fact is not like that, you know, Mom. In fact, research results show that babies from mothers who eat garlic extract tend to breastfeed longer and seem to prefer the taste of their breast milk. 1

3. Caffeine
Some foods and drinks containing caffeine are often blamed as the cause of your little one not being able to sleep at night. In fact, although caffeine can be transferred into breast milk, the amount is generally less than 1% of the amount consumed by the mother. 1

And a small amount of caffeine does not have a negative impact on your little one. So, as long as it is not excessive, you don’t need to worry about eating chocolate or drinking coffee.

4. Foods that contain gas

Foods that contain gas, such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale are often avoided by breastfeeding mothers because they are worried that they can make the baby bloated. In fact, gas from the mother’s intestinal tract cannot enter the baby’s digestive tract, Mom. So, it is safe to consume gassy foods while you are breastfeeding.

Types of Foods That Breastfeeding Mothers Should Avoid

If the list of forbidden foods above is just a myth, then here is a list of foods that should really be avoided by breastfeeding mothers because they can harm themselves and their little ones. What are they?

1. Alcohol

Food or drinks containing alcohol should be avoided during breastfeeding, yes, Mom. Alcohol consumed will enter the bloodstream, then enter breast milk. Even low levels of alcohol in breast milk are quite dangerous for your little one, you know.2

Alcohol is generally only completely excreted from the body after several hours, depending on the mother’s weight and the amount of alcohol consumed. If you drink one glass, the alcohol content can be contained in breast milk for 2-3 hours.

2. High mercury fish
Fish is indeed a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids to support the development of your little one’s brain. However, some fish that contain high levels of mercury should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers. The levels of mercury that accumulate in breast milk can affect the nervous system and brain development of your little one, Mom.

If you want to eat fish while breastfeeding, choose fish that are smaller and not predatory fish, OK, Mom. This type of fish has relatively very low levels of mercury. And avoid certain types of high-mercury fish such as mackerel, tuna and mackerel.

3. Raw food

Other food taboos for breastfeeding mothers are raw foods, such as sashimi, shellfish, or unpasteurized milk. Raw foods can be a source of infection that is not only dangerous for the motherbut also for the baby.

Raw food has the potential to cause poisoning due to bacterial infection. Well, this bacteria can then be absorbed into breast milk and affect your little one, Mom. 1

Well, that’s the list of food taboos for breastfeeding mothers. Take note of which ones are myths and which ones are facts, okay, Mom.

1. Goun Jeong, et al. 2017. Maternal food restrictions during breastfeeding. Retrieved from:[Accessed July 16, 2022]

2. CDC. 2021. Alcohol. Retrieved from:[Accessed July 16, 2022]

3. Karolina Karz, et al. 2020. Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding? Experiences and Opinions of Polish Mothers and Healthcare Providers. Retrieved from: https://[Accessed July 16, 2022]