Why do you need?
Protein accumulation by the baby is required for its growth and development
Tips and Sources:
• Incorporate your protein foods in all the meals.
1200 mg
Why do you need?
Formation & Development of baby’s bones
Milk and milk products, Ragi, Kabuli chana, Soya beans, Amaranth, Til seeds and Sunflower seeds
Why do you need?
Formation of blood, iron stores in the baby and to take care of blood loss during delivery.
- Iron bio-availability is poor from plant foods. To help your body absorb iron from plant foods consume amla, guava and citrus fruits which are rich in Vitamin C
- Limit intake of beverages like tea & coffee during meal, it can hinder iron absorption
- Iron & folic acid supplementation is required to fulfil addtional requirement & to prevent anemia
Red meat, Liver, Amaranth, Cauliflower greens, Colocasia leaves, Shepu, Garden cress seeds, Til seeds, Lotus stem, Dates (Dried), Roasted Bengal gram, Lentils, Bajra and Ragi.
200 mcg
Why do you need?
Supports baby’s growth and mental development
DHA 200 mg
Why do you need?
Optimal health, baby’s brain & vision development.
Tips and Sources:
Sources include cold water fish such as salmon
If you are a vegetarian talk to your doctor on Omega 3 supplementation.
400 IU
Why do you need?
Baby’s skeletal growth
Tips and Sources:
Known as sunshine vitamin. Exposure to sunlight helps in synthesis of Vitamin D in body.
500 mcg
Why do you need?
Deficiency can lead to neural tube defects in the baby. Particularly important during a few months before you conceive and during the first trimester (12 weeks).
800 mcg (retinol) and 6400 mcg (BetaCarotene)
Why do you need?
Vision, baby’s growth and development and immune function.
1.2 mcg
Why do you need?
Inadequate intake of Vitamin B12 increases the risk of Neural tube defects in babies and anemia in mothers.
1. National Institute of Nutrition ICMR, 2009. Nutrient requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowance for Indians. Retrieved on November 11,2013 from http://icmr.nic.in/final/RDA-2010.pdf
2. Goplan C., Rama B.V.& Balasubramanian S.C. National Institute of Nutrition ICMR, 2007. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods.