your baby's breast milk

5 Ways to Know Your Baby’s Breast Milk Needs

Recognize the Signs that Your Little One is Hungry

Mom, because breast milk will be produced according to the baby’s needs, it is recommended that you breastfeed your little one according to his/her wishes. For that, you need to recognize the signs when your little one is hungry so that you can breastfeed him/her immediately.

Early signs of a hungry baby are opening their mouth, moving their head, and looking for something. Then followed by putting their hands in their mouth. If they have not been breastfed, the final signs appear, namely: the baby cries, is restless, and has a red face. 3 If the baby looks satisfied and calm after breastfeeding, and often falls asleep while breastfeeding, it means that the baby’s breast milk needs have been met.

Pay Attention to Breastfeeding Time

It is also important to pay attention to the distance between breastfeeding sessions, yes, Mom. Ideally, babies breastfeed 8-12 times a day. This means that your little one needs to breastfeed every 2-3 hours. This can be a sign that your baby is getting enough breast milk. 1 What if your little one is still sleeping when it’s time to breastfeed again? You can wake your baby up so that he or she can breastfeed so that the baby’s breast milk needs can be met.

Also read: 4 signs that your baby is getting enough breast milk that is easy for mothers to recognize

Pay Attention to the Length of Breastfeeding Time
The duration of breastfeeding is also important, Mom.

At the beginning of a breastfeeding session, the breast milk produced is foremilk (initial breast milk). It is clear, contains a lot of lactose and protein, and satisfies your little one’s thirst. 1,2 At the end of the breastfeeding period, hindmilk (final breast milk) is produced which is thick white and contains high levels of fat and calories. 1,2

If the breastfeeding session is stopped or switched to the other breast even though the little one has only been breastfeeding for a short time, then he/she will only get foremilk and not hindmilk . In fact, babies also really need fat which is abundant in hindmilk as a source of energy and for brain formation. 1 So, Mom, make sure your little one breastfeeds until satisfied. That way, the breast is optimally emptied, and your little one gets both foremilk and hindmilk.

Breastfeeding from Both Breasts
Your little one has been breastfeeding from one breast until it is finished. At this time, you can find out your baby’s milk needs by observing his behavior. Is he full, or still hungry.

If he still seems to want to breastfeed, you can breastfeed him from the other breast. 1 Let your little one breastfeed until he is satisfied and full, Mom. Wait until your little one lets go of your breast. This is one way to know that he is full and the baby’s breast milk needs have been met.

Pay Attention to Correct Breastfeeding Attachment
During breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to the attachment of your baby’s mouth to your breast, Mom. The attachment must be correct, so that the breast milk can flow smoothly. 1

The correct breastfeeding attachment position is: the baby’s chin is attached to the breast, the mouth is wide open, most of the areola is in the baby’s mouth, the baby’s lips are folded outwards until they look like a dower. 4

When breastfeeding, the baby is not actually sucking, but rather expressing breast milk, by massaging the mother’s breast with his gums. So, the baby’s cheeks are not sunken, and there is no clicking sound. All there is is the sound of swallowing. The mother will not be in pain, and the baby will breastfeed calmly. 4 Don’t be confused and too worried about ensuring this attachment position, Mom. Instinctively, mother and baby will definitely be able to do it.

The baby’s breast milk needs that have been met can also be seen from the frequency of urination (BAK) and defecation (BAB). Usually, the frequency of urination (BAK) is >6 times a day, with clear urine. The frequency of defecation is >4 times a day.

If a few days after birth your baby’s weight decreases, but the decrease is not more than 10% of his birth weight, don’t panic, Mom. That’s normal and you don’t need to worry too much and think that you can’t meet your baby’s breast milk needs. Ideally, your baby’s weight will return to his birth weight at 10-14 days old. 1 After that, your little one’s weight and length will continue to increase, according to the Growth Curve. Stay strong, Mom!

Underweight, weak crying, infrequent bowel movements and hard stools, and low urine volume are signs that the baby’s breast milk needs are not being met. In newborns, also pay attention to their skin color. If the baby’s skin color is yellow in the first week of birth, the baby may not be getting enough breast milk.

Take your little one to the doctor immediately, Mom. The doctor will evaluate whether the way you breastfeed your baby and the way your little one breastfeeds is correct.

  1. IDAI. (2013). Breast Milk as a Preventative for Malnutrition in Infants . Retrieved from[Accessed September 27, 2021]
  2. Rutvi Shah, et al. (2020). Physiology, Breast Milk . Retrieved from[Accessed 28 September 2021]
  3. Eveline PN (2017). My Breast Milk is Not Enough? Retrieved from[Accessed 29 September 2021]
  4. RulinaSuradi. (2013). Correct Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Position and Attachment. Retrieved from[Accessed September 29, 2021]